HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) announced the State Transportation Commission (STC) approved $1.14 million in state funding to go to Webco Industries, Inc. in Oil City for a critical infrastructure investment project.
HARRISBURG – Rep. R. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) announced today the 64th District is receiving more than $1 million in grant funding from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ (DCNR) Community Conservation Partnerships Program (C2P2).
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) announced nearly $1.1 million in state funding from the Local Share Account (LSA) Program is heading to the 64th District to assist with two community improvement projects.
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) announced the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) awarded more than $9 million in grant and low-interest loan funding to the Clintonville Borough Sewer and Water Authority, and the city of Titusville.
HARRISBURG –Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) will be hosting a shredding event for residents of the 64th District on Saturday, Oct. 12, from noon to 2 p.m. at his district office at 3220 State Route 257 in Seneca.
TITUSVILLE—Today, Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) and the House Republican Policy Committee, led by Chairman Josh Kail (R-Beaver/Washington), convened a hearing to discuss the practical uses of brine, a concentrated solution of water and salt that comes from oil and gas wells. For over 150 years, brine is spread on unpaved roads to suppress dust as well as on icy roads in the winter.
WHAT: House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Joshua D. Kail (R-Beaver/Washington), Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) and other lawmakers will host a hearing titled “Brine Spreading” to examine the practical uses of brine.
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) announced the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) awarded $22 million in grant and low-interest loan funding to a wastewater project in Franklin.
HARRISBURG –Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford), the House Republican co-chair of the Arts and Culture Caucus, welcomed opera singer Dr. Sam DePalma to the state Capitol on Tuesday.
HARRISBURG –Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford), the House Republican co-chair of the Arts and Culture Caucus, invited opera singer Jamie Bastello to perform at the state Capitol on Tuesday.
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) issued the following statement regarding Gov. Josh Shapiro’s address on his proposed $48.34 billion budget for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year, an 8.4% increase in state funding from the prior fiscal year.
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) and Sen. Scott Hutchinson (R- Butler/Clarion/Erie/Forest/Venango/Warren) announced the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) awarded nearly $11 million in grant and low-interest loan funding to two sewer projects and one water quality plan in Venango County.
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) announced today that the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) awarded more than $1 million in grants to projects in the 64th Legislative District.
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) announced his bill, which would create consistent guidelines in the Borough Code, overwhelmingly passed the House.
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Butler) and Sen. Scott Hutchinson (R- Butler/Clarion/Erie/Forest/Venango/Warren) announced the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) awarded just over $4 million in grant and low-interest loan funds to two projects in Venango County to go toward improving water quality.
HARRISBURG – State Reps. Joe Ciresi (D-Montgomery) and Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) introduced legislation on Monday to create the Historic Homeownership Preservation Incentive Tax Credit in Pennsylvania.
HARRISBURG – Rep. R. Lee James (Venango/Crawford) and Sen. Scott Hutchinson (R- Butler/Clarion/Erie/Forest/Venango/Warren) announced today the awarding of more than $1.5 million in state funding to nine projects from the Local Shared Account (LSA) Program for community improvements in Venango County.
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) issued the following statement regarding Gov. Josh Shapiro’s address on his proposed $45.8 billion budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year:
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) announced today that he opened a district office at 104 N. Washington St. in Titusville to serve the needs of the residents of the 64th Legislative District.