James Named Chairman of House Local Government Committee
January 26, 2023
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) announced today that he was named Republican Chairman of the Local Government Committee by the House Republican leadership team for the 2023-24 session.
“I am honored to be chosen to serve this role,” said James. “I am excited to get to work and collaborate with my colleagues on how we can make the lives of all Pennsylvanians easier.”
The Local Government Committee is tasked with reviewing bills that would amend the municipal codes by which local governments operate. This could include legislation related to local government purchases, real estate assessment policies and statewide pensions for municipal police officers.
Pennsylvania has more than 2,500 local government units of all sizes. The committee also works closely with the Local Government Commission, a bipartisan legislative service agency that provides research assistance on issues pertaining to local governments.
Last session, James served on the House Appropriations, Environmental Resources and Energy, Local Government, and Tourism and Recreational Development committees.
Representative R. Lee James
64th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Nate Temple
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